JP Ventures LLC dba

About JP Ventures LLC dba

We are an ecommerce business located in Fruitland, Idaho. We are in the self-reliance industry and market exclusively online. We develop and make many of our own products. Our main product lines include egg incubators, solar power equipment and indoor gardening supplies. We have a strong presence on Amazon, ebay and our website, We have a wide international reach, shipping products to over 100 countries.


Mechanical Engineering Intern

January 2019 - April 2019 Fruitland, ID
“The company culture and my co-workers were amazing. I loved the ability to grow and learn in the use of SolidWorks and VBA.”

Internet Marketing Manager

January 2019 - April 2019 Fruitland, ID
“Lots of freedom to learn and develop how you'd like to. As long as it fit the scope of what the company was after, you could work on it. ”
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