New Tech Systems, Inc.

About New Tech Systems, Inc.

Established in May 1996, New Tech Systems is one of the best known manufacturer of electronic pipe inspection systems and related pipe service equipment for the oil industry. We manufacture a wide range of EMI and UT inspection products and offer technical support services for the inspection of: drill pipe and tubing (new and used), casing, drill collars, landing strings, wash-pipe, subs, and sucker rods. Headquartered in Mansfield, Texas, New Tech Systems' goal is to provide the worldwide oilfield pipe inspection industry with the highest quality equipment and support, with technical support centers in Midland, Texas and Broussard, Louisiana as well as a R&D facility in the Houston, Texas area.


Engineering Intern

June 2019 Mansfield, TX
“I enjoy the ability to talk with the shop employees who are building our products. I also enjoy having the ability to learn so much more than I did in my engineering classes.”
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