Boys and Girls Club


June - August 2019 • McComb, MS

What I liked

I loved working with all of the kids at the club. I loved all of the activities they tried to have planned for all of the kids throughout the summer.

What I wish was different

I wish I could’ve been more helpful to the program.


There will be some hard times. There always will be when working with kids, but the love you receive from all of the kids is rewarding.
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Elementary School Teacher Intern

May 2019 • Chico, CA

What I liked

The team, awesome structure and curriculum/activities.

What I wish was different



Form relationships early, be present with the children, take pictures and bring art home. Make memories!
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Program Leader

August 2019 • Escondido, CA

What I liked

All the kids you work with

What I wish was different



Have tough skin and assert yourself
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Camp Counselor

May 2019 • Jasper, AL

What I liked

Spending time with the children in my community. We played games, went to the park, and did lessons and crafts daily. On special occasions we got to take trips to the water park or the pool. Working with these children made such a difference in my life!

What I wish was different



Even on the days when you are tired, physically or emotionally, do not let it show. Always give the kids your all because they deserve it.
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May - August 2019 • Phoenix, AZ

What I liked

Great community, purpose and events

What I wish was different

More access to resources


Great opportunity to develop educator skills in a fun environment.
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April 2017 • Toledo, OH

What I liked

The environment and people working. Great management

What I wish was different



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Youth development professional

April 2018 • Thousand Oaks, CA

What I liked

Working with a range of children from grades K-8.

What I wish was different

More activities were successful to include all children.


Be enthusiastic and patient with kids so they will enjoy activities more.
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Camp Counselor

June - August 2019 • Hamilton City, CA

What I liked

I loved the students that I met, and the experience with a variety of age groups.

What I wish was different


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Camp Counselor

June - August 2019 • Port St. Lucie, FL

What I liked

I loved being able to share my passion for theatre in a meaningful way with the children. The program I started over the summer has continued on into the school year!

What I wish was different


Patience is the key to working with kids. Also building meaningful relationships and mentoring is incredibly impactful.
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Stem coordinator

June 2019 • Aberdeen, MD

What I liked

Teaching the kids

What I wish was different

Programs ran


Its the best experience I've had
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Child Social Worker Intern

June - September 2019 • Madison, WI

What I liked

The experience with the kids was amazing and very hands on. Staff was wonderful.

What I wish was different

Being unpaid was hard.


Make the most of the experience and try to gain as much knowledge as possible.
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Assistant athletic director

May - June 2019 • Cleveland, OH

What I liked

New atmosphere and brought in a reality check for myself

What I wish was different

More responsibility


DO IT. Such a great experience
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Youth Commission Staff

June - August 2019 • Fargo, ND

What I liked

Working with the kids

What I wish was different

I would have liked a higher wage and more hours


Be ready to deal with some tough kids because they are out there
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June - August 2019 • Oyster Bay, NY

What I liked

The ladies who I worked with in the office, the camp councilors, and my fellow intern.

What I wish was different

Nothing, it was everything I expected and more.


Don’t be afraid to give your higher-ups your input, especially when it comes to social media or more contemporary outlets of networking and connections.
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Youth Development Coordinator

June 2019 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

I really liked interacting with the youth and being able to provide a great experience for them just as I had many experiences there as a kid.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have had a consistent sleep schedule. I was pretty drained by the end of the summer.


One piece of advice I would share is that working with kids full time is a physically and mentally draining so it's necessary to get enough rest every night and eat every single meal. Working with kids 8 hours a day doesn't always allow you to have a consistent lunch schedule.
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October - December 2019 • Woburn, MA

What I liked

I liked helping out and working with students in my own community.

What I wish was different

Nothing! I wish I had more time to volunteer.


To be able to work with students in your community is a very humbling experience. I highly recommend !
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program specialist

July 2019 • Omaha, NE

What I liked

The relaxed atmosphere as well as working with the young people.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more on-task coworkers. The only overwhelming piece would be being alone with 30+ kids trying to run a program while staff are in the other room on their phone. I also wish for more consistency over the summer and school breaks in my schedule. The chose to list everyone as a "will call" if they have a higher ratio that day.


Great for college students looking for flexibility and have a desire to return home over breaks. Might not be the best fit for someone that relies on regular income
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Youth Development Professional

June - August 2019 • Bowling Green, KY

What I liked

I enjoyed working with the children. We went on a lot of field trips and did a lot of activities which made the summer really fun. The other staff were great and made the summer more enjoyable.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have gotten paid more per hour.


You have to have patience to work with kids, and be able to have fun
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Lead Computer Lab Staff

November 2015 • Glasgow, KY

What I liked

I love working with the kids and coming up with my own programs for them to participate in during the summer. It’s a real family environment and it makes everyone feel welcome

What I wish was different

I wish I had gotten more time to implement at least one other program for my room


Don’t be afraid to interact with the kids. They love having someone to talk to and play with even in the computer lab
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Childcare Aide

June - August 2019 • Inman, SC

What I liked

Working with children

What I wish was different



Remember not everyone is raised the same
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