Boys and Girls Club

Youth Development Specialist

May - August 2018 • Yankton, SD

What I liked

I really enjoyed working with the 1st-5th graders developing lessons and implementing them so that they have fun while learning.

What I wish was different

The way some things were managed. Some days the kids were a bit overwhelming.


If you are working with kids just keep reminding yourself that you are there for the kids. There will be bad days, but there is always something good, you don't have to look very far with kids. Kids know how to put a smile on your face as you should seek to put a smile on their face.
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1st Grade Teacher

June - August 2018 • Naples, FL

What I liked

I loved my co-workers, and the friendly atmosphere of my work space.

What I wish was different

I just wish I didn’t have to leave my first graders as they, and myself moved on.


When you do something, do it whole heartedly and you will not be dissatisfied.
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September - November 2018 • Wayne, NJ

What I liked

I was able to help teach a program called "Smart Moves" which encourages children to be their own person and to make healthy choices.

What I wish was different

Nothing. I really enjoyed the experience.


Always tell your supervisor if you are uncomfortable in a situation. Sometimes being responsible for 30 kindergarteners can be extremely stressful and its okay to need help.
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Program Aid

May - August 2018 • Loveland, CO

What I liked

The great experience with the kids all summer and a chance to lead.

What I wish was different

That I could work more hours and the drive to Loveland.


The chance to work with kids and do not give a piece of candy without having them earn it.
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Youth development professional

May - August 2018 • Meridian, ID

What I liked

I loved the opportunity to lead and teach the students valuable life lessons. Many of the kids came from rough backgrounds so it was wonderful to be able to show them how much we care despite what they’ve been through.

What I wish was different


Love the kids despite their actions or words. Yes discipline is necessary but what they really need is someone to invest in their lives, to say “I see you and I care.”
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Program Aid

May 2018 • Waxahachie, TX

What I liked

We had the weekends off, we got to enjoy the fieldtrips with the kids, and we were able to work up to 35 hour weeks.

What I wish was different

Theres major burnout by the beginning of August.


If youve never had this job before its easier to learn during the school year. The summer as a start off position is like lighting yourself on fire.
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Youth leader

June - September 2018 • San Bernardino, CA

What I liked

Working with the youth.

What I wish was different

Allowing the youths to go on more educational trips.


Be open to everyone’s perspectives and beliefs. Have patients when working with the youths.
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Recreation Aid

May 2015 • Huntington Beach, CA

What I liked

The experience was very positive and enjoyable.

What I wish was different


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Camp Counselor

June - August 2018 • Wakefield, MA

What I liked

Work with kids, not a desk job (different everyday)

What I wish was different


Need be able to work with kids of all ages
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Elementary Learning Support Aide

June - August 2018 • Jersey City, NJ

What I liked

What I liked about this experience is that I've learned that I've chosen the right field to study and that is social work. Realizing how much of an impact teachers, social workers, unit directors, etc. have on youth development and their overall lives in a learning environment, have opened up my eyes to what magnitudes my actions and ideas can reach. If one can make that much of an impact on a micro level, one can only imagine how much of impact can be made on a macro level. I believe that my desire to impact the world on global scale requires me to start small and work my way up in order to get a better understanding of the way individuals and the world work to have a more purposeful and eminent impact. I believe that this experience was a great introduction into my field of study and served as a reminder as to why I chose to pursue it.

What I wish was different

The one thing that I wish would've been different would be how the system was organized in terms of responsibilities, and how information and procedures were communicated throughout the staffs. There were multiple times I found myself taking on the responsibilities of my co-workers, and tasks my job did not entail. However, new set of skills and abilities that I didn't know I had within me all along emerged through this as I was consistently challenged and tested. Through times of difficulties and uncertainty that this experience had place me in, I considered it as an opportunity to apply and develop my adapting skills. This showed me to always be attentive to my surroundings, and to always be alert because nothing is ever certain.


The one piece of advice I would share about this experience is to always handle everything that you do with passion and optimism. When things are going south or things are becoming too difficult to handle, you have to remind yourself why you're doing it and what's the purpose of it. To be passionate and for your actions to have purpose, provides you an irreplaceable kind of motivation as to why you must keep going or as to why you should even wake up in the morning. Not only must you believe that things will work out for the better, but you must also convince yourself that they will and see it from a tunnel vision. A life with no purpose, drive, trust in one's self nor passion, is a life not worth living.
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Enrichment Staff- Boys and Girls Club

June - August 2018 • Sebring, FL

What I liked

The atmosphere. Very positive environment

What I wish was different

That I could stay longer.


To build relationships because they last forever
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Emerging Leader/Summer Fellow

May - July 2018 • Columbus, OH

What I liked

I absolutely loved getting to work with the kids! I helped plan and coordinate daily activities. I really enjoyed getting to form relationships with so many of the kids in the program and to help make sure they had great days throughout the summer.

What I wish was different

The only thing that I would've changed is that I wish it would have been longer! I only had about 5 actual weeks with the students in the Boys and Girls club and would have loved to have even more.


I think with this position and most positions with kids, it is so important to be ready to think on your toes and to be very flexible! There were many unpredictable moments and events and the experience was a great lesson in going with the flow.
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Education director

September 2017 - October 2018 • Jefferson City, TN

What I liked

The kids and staff!

What I wish was different

The structure of the job!


Make sure you are doing this job out of love for the kids and not just for money.
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Camp Counselor

May - July 2018 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked


What I wish was different

If it had to do with my major


Be patient
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Summer Staff

May - July 2018 • Kenai, AK

What I liked

Teaching kids on what is right and wrong and helping them with math and reading.

What I wish was different

For kids to treat adults respectfully.


Have fun and play games with the kids.
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Youth Developmental Professional

June - August 2018 • Buffalo, NY

What I liked

I was able to create relationships with the kids at the club. I was able to connect with them and get to know all their personalities. I was able to play games, and teach them in different ways.

What I wish was different

I wish the club was more organized and I wish we could have taken the kid's on more field trips.


Lots of patience and discipline to deal with large groups kid's all day, but for me it was worth every minute.
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June - August 2018 • Fort Lauderdale, FL

What I liked

Everything. Everyone was so nice, the kids and teens were great. Getting to know everyone and playing games was fun

What I wish was different



Make the most out it, form meaningful relationships with the staff and kids and make each day count.
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Program Leader

June - August 2018 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

Working with the kids and seeing them light the up over activities and them open up to me was amazing

What I wish was different


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Youth development specialtist

May - August 2018 • Reedsburg, WI

What I liked

I loved the kids and the work environment

What I wish was different


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Program Aide

May - August 2018 • Houston, TX

What I liked

The atmosphere of the children and my co-workers.

What I wish was different

I wish I could've planned the programs better


Be ready for different perspectives and be flexible when dealing with kids
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