Boys and Girls Club

Teen assistant

May - August 2019 • Lodi, CA

What I liked

Relationships with kids and coworkers

What I wish was different

Had more time to work there


Don’t take for granted the things you have in your life
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Camp Coordinator

June - August 2019 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

I love working with kids and teaching them, so that was awesome.

What I wish was different

We had some tough days but overall I wouldn’t really change anything.


Be patient. Kids always want to learn, sometimes it takes some patience from your end.
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June 2019 • Brighton, MA

What I liked

The kids

What I wish was different

One less lifeguard


Working with kids makes your heart bigger.
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Camp Counselor

May 2017 • Pequannock Township, NJ

What I liked

The overall feeling of fulfillment of helping create a fun and creative space for kids

What I wish was different



Have fun with the kids, it makes it more enjoyable for them and you
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After School Program Assistant

May 2019 • Terre Haute, IN

What I liked

I love how understanding and considerate my supervisors are. Over the summer and continuing on to the academic year, they do an amazing job working around schedules and trying to make sure people get the hours they want.

What I wish was different


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Camp Counselor

June - August 2019 • Missoula, MT

What I liked

It was very rewarding to work with young children and watch them learn and grow.

What I wish was different

I wish there would have been better organization


Working part time is great!
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Youth Development Professional

May - October 2019 • Poteau, OK

What I liked

Working with children in my community was extremely rewarding and fun. It wasn’t always fun and games but I loved every minute of it!

What I wish was different


You must love kids and have a positive attitude to be successful at a Boys and Girls Club! The children need positive role models.
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May - July 2019 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

Community & all persons involved, very positive and supportive organization

What I wish was different

Better lunch program


If you are interested in volunteering at any of the Clubhouses make sure you enjoy working and interacting with children because you will be dealing with a wide range of personalities. The Clubhouses are very well organized and you're able to sign up for any activity on the time slot you're interested in, overall a great opportunity to work and give back to your community.
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activity leader

May - July 2019 • Phoenix, AZ

What I liked

As an education major, I loved gaining experience working with children of different ages. I was able to be a role model and assist the children in having a fun, fulfilling summer.

What I wish was different

I wish I was able to approach the groups in a more educational manner. I would supervise them while they played games, but I wish I was also able to lead academic activities that would help me with my lesson planning skills/ teaching performance.


I suggest being open to trying new approaches. I was given the opportunity to be an activity leader and also a branch assistant. I worked with data entry and payments. It was a difficult job to do; especially since I had to deal with parents. Overall, it was a good experience because I was prepared for anything.
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Specialist program

July 2019 • Wausau, WI

What I liked

I like how summer program ran and the bgc members were always happy and positive.

What I wish was different

Had more bgc staff since the summer serve about 500 bgc members each day


You get to engage and learn about the bgc members likes and dislike, get to help them grow, and have fun.
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Childcare Worker

June 2019 • Richland, WA

What I liked

I liked working with children and being able to come up with fun activities for them.

What I wish was different

I wish we had a clear discipline code that was followed through because we had rules and regulations but they were not enforced by the lead staff.


Be patient with the kids, have fun, be a kid along with them, don't stress about bad behavior rather find ways to cope with the bad behavior and enjoy the fun experiences .
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Information Technology

January 2019 • Buffalo, NY

What I liked

Flexible schedule

What I wish was different

I wish it was closer to home


Be prepared to learn new things
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June - August 2019 • La Crosse, WI

What I liked

Very friendly and fun atmosphere.

What I wish was different



It’s something that I believe everyone should be exposed to at one point in their life. i
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Camp Counselor

June - August 2019 • Carnegie, PA

What I liked

Influencing the kids

What I wish was different

Better activities and more events


Keep an open mind and show the kids that you care
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Music Teacher

June 2018 - August 2019 • Fort Worth, TX

What I liked

Working with the students and being around music everyday. This experience really helped shape my want to be a school counselor.

What I wish was different

I wish the upper management would let the everyday staff have a little more autonomy since they don’t know what the day-to-day experience is.


If you’re interested, make sure you care about the kids because if you don’t, you’ll get burned out very easily.
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Recreational Therapy Counselor

June - August 2019 • Pittsfield, MA

What I liked

It was a very fun job where I got to meet a lot of cool people.

What I wish was different

I wish things had been better organized, sometimes it felt like babysitting because the administration didn't plan well enough


Try a job that you haven't always expected to, you may discover a field you like and meet great people.
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Youth Development Professional

May - August 2019 • Cheyenne, WY

What I liked

I love working with kids and this job allowed me to work with 200 of them! But on top of that, I got the chance to create my own programs, lead my own activities and really develop myself as a leader and a caregiver. Building programs that helped student learning, created better atmospheres, and offered support in areas where individual students needed it was one of the most rewarding things of this summer.

What I wish was different


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Camp Counselor

June - August 2019 • Garfield, NJ

What I liked

I liked working with different ages of children. I also liked learning how to handle different situations while new children arrived because you can not treat every situation the same.

What I wish was different

Nothing at all


Patients is key
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Camp Counselor

May 2019 • Springfield, MA

What I liked

I liked the experience working with kids was great.

What I wish was different

Nothing everything was great.


Have patience if you’re going to have a job working with children.
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Youth development professional

June - August 2019 • Augusta, GA

What I liked

I enjoyed that I got to interact with youth and possibly have an impact on some of their decisions about the future.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have held the position longer.


Patience is key when working with the youth!
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