Boys and Girls Club

Art room lead

June - August 2019 • San Antonio, TX

What I liked

I loved doing arts and crafts activities with the children from my community . I was able to build bonds with them throughout the summer

What I wish was different

I wouldn’t have done anything differently this was a great job experience and I would definitely do it again next summer


This job experience was super fun but it wasn’t easy . A lot of children come from different backgrounds and you never know what they are going trough at home so many act out and it can be difficult at times getting the younger kids to follow directions. I had to learn ways to get the kids to listen for example 6 and 7 year olds loved candy where as the 11 and 12 year olds I would use them going outside to get them to listen. You have to find different ways and adapt to the children overall a great job
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Program Staff

August 2017 • Buena Park, CA

What I liked

What I wish was different


I enjoyed working during summer right when I got out of high school, however working with kids takes a lot of patients and not all individuals are ready to work with kids, so when you apply for a job, know yourself and what job you would like to do.
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Gymnastics Director

October 2011 • Nacogdoches, TX

What I liked

Being able to be around kids due to being an education major.

What I wish was different

Pay/hour opportunities


Apply now for a position if interested!
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Kindergarten Teacher

May - August 2019 • Provo, UT

What I liked

It was super fun! I loved hanging out with the kindergarteners everyday. I had to plan a science lesson everyday and it gave me great experience for when I want to be an elementary school teacher.

What I wish was different

Sometimes it was disorganized and we didn’t have all of the materials that we needed.


Be ready to go with the flow. Often my lessons did not go as planned.
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January - April 2019 • Adrian, MI

What I liked

I loved the way they program was ran and how Adrian walked me through each of the step. The things that I’ve learned in my career at Adrain definitely transitioned into my internship.

What I wish was different

I think everything was pretty great, honestly. Other than the fact that I had to walk there because of I didn’t have transportation.


To soak in the experience and learn as much as possible. Each experience can shape your life in fantastic ways and YOU can also help change the lives of the people around you.
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STEM Instructor

May - August 2019 • Hutchinson, KS

What I liked

I loved the flexibility I was given to create lessons as well as the resources they provided me with! Building relationships with the kids was something I will never forget!

What I wish was different


Great learning experience for those going into education!
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Camp Counselor

May 2018 - August 2019 • Statesville, NC

What I liked

I liked being able to connect with the kids and the other staff members

What I wish was different

The only thing I wished was different was the organization of the day


Be prepared for anything
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Program leader

September 2017 - August 2019 • Stevens Point, WI

What I liked

It's a close knit group of employees, and you always feel like you're helping to make a difference in a child's life.

What I wish was different


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Camp coordinator

June - August 2019 • Woburn, MA

What I liked

I loved the atmosphere of the club and how welcoming everyone was!

What I wish was different


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Youth Program Director

September 2019 • Brookings, SD

What I liked

Working with the kids

What I wish was different

Having more hours


Remember to think about why the kid is acting out, not because he is a bad child. There is a reason for his behavior if you just look into it.
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Camp Counselor

May 2016 - August 2019 • Sarasota, FL

What I liked

I like working with all different age ranges of children. There were so many diverse people working among us so it was cool to see everyone adapt. I also liked going o field trips with the kids and teaching them new things

What I wish was different

I wish there were more opportunities to move up in the company. I know after three years I only have 1 raise and it wasn't by much.


I would say you have to have patience and keep an open m ind. Kids are amazing and very curious. We need more teachers and people dedicated to young people succeeding.
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Peer development Specialist

June - August 2019 • Paducah, KY

What I liked

Working with children and making an impact in their life

What I wish was different

Having to quit due to personal reasons.


I would recommend this job to anyone who enjoys working with children and possibly making an impact on a trouble or less fortunate child's life.
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Youth Program Staff

June - August 2019 • Carlsbad, CA

What I liked

Each child has a unique background and set of experiences. Having the opportunity to help them grow from where they are at is a blessing to both you and the child.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have kept working there while finishing school! Unfortunately, the location is to far.


Just jump in but be patient. It takes time for the youth to become comfortable with you, so approach them with consistency in your supervision. This way, you’ll gain the respect needed to positively impact them and challenge them to grow.
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Administrative Assistant

May 2018 • Glendale, AZ

What I liked

The environment can be fun and the staff have regular opportunities to try new ideas and create their own programs.

What I wish was different


Branch assistants should be able to speak up and communicate well with a variety of people.
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Camp Counselor

May - August 2019 • Brooksville, FL

What I liked

It was a very engaging and hands on experience. It definitely kept me on my toes. Working with kids can be tough but fun.

What I wish was different

My only problem was my group of students had a few kids with different disabilities and it was difficult trying to make activities that work with these children’s needs while also making activities for the class.


Don’t get down on yourself when the job gets hard. At the end of the day when the kids are happy and having fun, it will be worth it.
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assistant youth director

March 2018 - December 2019 • Watersmeet Township, MI

What I liked

I liked working with families and youth the most. I liked coordinating with outside organizations and departments to provide events and activities for youth and families.

What I wish was different

I wish we had enough staff and better management. I also wish the pay was better.


As much as you strive to do your best you won't be able to if you lack good leadership and a strong team.
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Teaching Assistant (Preschool, Elementary, Middle, and Secondary School)

August - December 2018 • Bakersfield, CA

What I liked

Interactions with children

What I wish was different

The directions and organization of the program


Offer extensive and regularly trainings
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Activity Leader

March 2016 • Lamont, CA

What I liked

I really enjoyed working with the kids.

What I wish was different

I wish that I would have had another activity leader with me because there was a lot of children.


Working with children can be difficult but worth your while, I think everyone can learn from the new generations and helping them grow is an incredible experience.
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June - August 2019 • San Bernardino, CA

What I liked

They give back to the community in so many ways

What I wish was different

More hands on experience


Do your intern over summer because once school starts there’s not a lot of kids at the facility
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Summer Kidstop

May - August 2019 • St. Cloud, MN

What I liked

I loved working with kids and the ability to do other things with my time in the summer. I spent a portion of every day rehabbing an injury I sustained playing soccer the previous fall and getting back into shape while playing soccer as well.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have been able to work slightly longer each week or earn a slightly higher hourly wage.


I would recommend any to do this job if they want a flexible job and want to influence a younger generation of kids in a positive way. It really was a fulfilling job that I was privileged to do during my summer of 2019.
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